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On-line event: Ensure pipeline integrity – CO₂ purity analysis for CCUS applications

Thermo Fisher Scientific Hall: A4 Stand: 4J35
On-line event: Ensure pipeline integrity – CO₂ purity analysis for CCUS applications
Ensuring Pipeline Integrity

To ensure the long-term viability of CCUS projects and maintain pipeline integrity, it is imperative to accurately monitor and quantify impurities in CO2 streams. This webinar will delve into the importance of real-time analysis for quality assurance in maintaining pipeline integrity and the significance of accurately quantifying CO2 purity for effective carbon sequestration.

Register: https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/global/forms/industrial/epm-max-bev-cuss-ondemand-webinar-registration.html?cid=0co_3pc_14082024_304ADA


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