A brand-new strategic partnership has been established between start-up company HYTING and ebm-papst. This partnership was created with the intention of creating and developing hydrogen-fuel heat gene
A new hydrogen-powered truck from hylane has been delivered to Nippon Gases Germany and HOYER Group. The purpose of this truck will be to transport dry ice.
FedPro Inc., founded in 1915 and based in Cleveland (Ohio, USA), continues to expand its operations in Europe, with a strategic focus on meeting the growing demands of the region’s diverse industries.
A new plan to repurpose parts of Austria’s natural gas pipeline for hydrogen integration has been put in motion. This project is being led by the country’s electricity and gas network operator.
Three parties, Fortescue, Sparc Technologies and the University of Adelaide will now start the construction and testing of a green hydrogen plant. The impressive feature of this plant, is that it incl
Fabrum and King Watercraft are two New Zealand firms who have worked together in order to design a hydrogen-powered rigid inflatable boat (RIB). This product will be specifically designed to be suitab
Nikola has recently secured a new location for a hydrogen refuelling station in northern California. The company has made the decision to acquire this land, as it is currently focusing on connecting u
A front-end engineering design (FEED) contract for a 50MW green hydrogen production site, has been given to ITM Power. This company will become the technology provider for this project.
It was recently revealed that John Cockerill and Johnson Matthey (JM) were selected by ETFuels, in order to support the development of the company’s e-methanol project. This project is based in Texas
Through the process of combining hydrogen, plasma and resistive heating, Cemvision has reported being able to fully electrify cement production within rotatory kilns.